1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 import time 3 import os 4 import common.common 5 from common.getconfigs import GetConfigs 6 from uiautomator import device as d 7 8 cfg = GetConfigs('11_unlockscreen') 9 dict_times = cfg.get_test_times()10 11 def CheckPhoneStatus():12 """13 Check the phone status first,if it not in suspend mode,will enter the suspend mode first and start the test.14 15 """16 if d(packageName = 'com.tct.launcher',description = 'Apps').exists:17 print 'The phone isn\'t in suspend mode,will lock it first'18 LockPhone()19 20 def UnlockPhone():21 """22 Unlock the phone and check the phone whether enter the homepage base on the ALL Apps icon 23 24 """25 d.wakeup()26 time.sleep(1)27 if d(resourceId='com.android.systemui:id/lock_icon').exists:28 d.swipe(397, 1165, 500, 500, steps=5)29 time.sleep(1)30 if d(description='Apps').exists:31 print 'unlock successfully'32 else:33 print 'itn\'t unlock'34 else:35 print 'The phone unlock failed'36 37 def LockPhone():38 d.press('power')39 40 def Run(key):41 times = int(dict_times.get(key.lower(),0))42 CheckPhoneStatus()43 for i in range(times):44 UnlockPhone()45 time.sleep(2)46 LockPhone()47 time.sleep(2)48 print i49 50 if __name__ == '__main__':51 Run('Lock')